Your overseas Business operation's Partner and Outsourced Services
Setting up a business in a new country has its own set of challenges ; which need specialist people to understand the legal compliance , taxation, appointment of dealers, distributors and the cost management of hiring space people etc.
Doing business at country X is always different than country Y and it needs local expertise .
We could fulfill your such need from our dedicated team of expertise with our own resources and facilities ; we can assure you that we are capable to provide such services with 1/3 of your estimated cost . It could be done with sharing a % of sales revenue as well . such services include all business domains in export / import/ consulting / projects etc.
We will work as your in country business manager / country representative.
This is probably the most efficient way to expand globally ; we will do your job through our local specialist team which doesn’t need relocation and other travel costs ; data and information could be available on real time 24/7 . the services could be as per your business need of full time dedicated team / part time and type of assignments you can give us to handle ;
Marketing / sales/ advertising campaign
·Appointing and selection of distributors / sales agents
·E commerce and online business
·Business lead generation
·Setting up offices/ warehouses – lease and ownership
·Opening offshore bank accounts
·Finding local investment partner
·Organizing sales events/ road shows / sales campaign

We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
+91.8617202485 (WA) / +91.8017709041